Tuesday 18 November 2008

Evaluation on the websites

1. Strengths:-Well classified in different sections;recent posts, archives, categories.
-Well explained why people should consider about buying christmas present
for teachers.
-Gives some different options of presents
-Has `search` box which enables you to find things faster and easier
-Has two categories such as christmasrants and webs for searching box, so
makes it easier to find.
2. Weaknesses:-Not undated regularly
-Does not promote the sales of presents in sites
-Bad topics for the categorization on the left side; recent posts,
-The site looks like fake website so does not give me enough

In this website, it just talks about why we have to buy presents or whatever for teachers but do not actually advertise about the products that they can sell through advertising these. As I looked through the website, I was thinking like " okay, this website well organized the categories and persuade customers to buy presents for teachers but what is the real purpose of the site,,,? I dun get it..."
I think they should make their objective more clear and update categories more regularly.

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